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Handicraft (Topical Term)

Preferred form: Handicraft
Used for/see from:
  • الحرف اليدوية
  • Crafts (Handicrafts)
  • Handcraft
See also:

Dir. of antique and handcraft shops, Georgia, Alabama, N. & S. Carolina.

Webster's, 1972 (manual skill; occupation requiring skill with the hands; articles fashioned by those engated in handicraft)

Oxford English Dictionary, viewed online Feb. 12, 2018 (Handicraft: A manual art, trade, or occupation; a craft involving making things (now typically domestic or decorative objects) by hand)

Collins Dictionary, viewed online Feb. 12, 2018 (Handicraft (in American): 1. expertness with the hands; manual skill; 2. an occupation or art calling for skillful use of the hands, as weaving, pottery, etc.; 3. work done or articles made by manual skills)