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Physical education and training measurement (Topical Term)
Used for/see from:
- Athletic training
- التربية البدنية والتدريب مقاييس
- Education, Physical
- P.E. (Physical education)
- PE (Physical education)
- Phy ed
- Phys ed
- Physical culture
- Physical training
- Sports Training
- Sports training
- Training, Physical
See also:
- Broader heading: Education
- Athletics
- Exercise
- Gymnastics
- Sports
Sykes, H.J. Teaching bodies, learning desires, 1998: abstr. (physical education (PE); PE teachers)
OCLC, Apr. 30, 2007 (titles: P.E. essentials; P.E. in Europe; Ready-to-use P.E. activities; P.E. curriculum guide; PE lesson plans; Teaching PE to children with special educational needs; Adapted PE and sport; Adapted phys ed; Phys. ed. survival kit; Phys ed grade five; Athletic phys. ed.)