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Computational linguistics (Topical Term)
Used for/see from:
- Automatic language processing
- Language and languages Data processing
- Earlier heading: Language data processing
- Earlier heading: Linguistics Data processing
- Natural language processing (Linguistics)
See also:
Somers, H.L. Valency and case in computational linguistics, c1987.
Crystal, D. A dict. of linguistics and phonetics: p. 63.
Curr. trends ling.: v. 14, p. 281.
Hartmann dict. lang.: p. 47.
Nash, R. Multilingual lexicon of linguistics and philology: p. 38.
LC database, April 6, 1988.
Akhmanova. Slovarʹ lingvisticheskikh terminov; Pei gloss. ling.
Here are entered works on the applications of computers in processing and analyzing language. Works on the computer processing of natural language for the purpose of enabling humans to interact with computers in natural language are entered under Natural language processing (Computer science).
Note under Natural language processing (Computer science)