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Big data (Topical Term)

Preferred form: Big data
Used for/see from:
  • Data sets, Large
  • Large data sets
See also:

Work cat.: Big data (Print), ISSN pre-publication record, March 2013.

Understanding big data, c2012.

New York times, May 21, 2012: article: Troves of Personal Data, Forbidden to Researchers (It is "big data," the vast sets of information gathered by researchers at companies like Facebook, Google and Microsoft from patterns of cellphone calls, text messages and Internet clicks by millions of users around the world.)

Wikipedia, May 30, 2012: Big data entry ("Big data" is a term applied to data sets whose size is beyond the ability of commonly used software tools to capture, manage, and process the data within a tolerable elapsed time. Big data sizes are a constantly moving target, as of 2012 ranging from a few dozen terabytes to many petabytes of data in a single data set. Big data is difficult to work with using relational databases, desktop statistics and visualization packages, requiring instead parallel software running on huge numbers of separate servers; [entry cites 35 bibliographical references])

Here are entered works on vast data sets that cannot easily be captured, managed, or processed with commonly used software.