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Bird, J. O. (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Bird, J. O.
Used for/see from:
  • Bird, John Owen
  • Bird, John (John Owen)
  • Bird, John, 1954 November 3-

Author's Technician mathematics, 1977-

His Algebra for technicians, 1982: t.p. (J.O. Bird) CIP data sheet (Bird, John Owen; b. 11/3/45)

Higher engineering mathematics, c1999: t.p. (J.O. Bird; B.Sc.(Hons), CMAth, CEng, FIMA, MIEE, FIIE(Elec), FCOLLP) cover (John Bird)

Mechanics of solids, 2016: ECIP t.p. (John Bird, , BSc(Hons), CEng, CMath, CSci, FIMA, FIET, FCollT and Andrew Little BSc, PhD, CEng, FIMechE, FIED, FHEA)

Emailed publisher, June 17, 2015: (John Bird, b. Nov. 3, 1954)

Bird's comprehensive engineering mathematics, 2018: ECIP t.p. (John Bird) data view (John Bird (BSc(Hons), CMath, CEng, CSci, FITE, FIMA, FCollT) is the former Head of Applied Electronics in the Faculty of Technology at Highbury College, Portsmouth, UK. More recently he has combined freelance lecturing and examining, and is the author of over 130 textbooks on engineering and mathematical subjects with worldwide sales of one million copies. He is currently lecturing at the Defence School of Marine Engineering in the Defence College of Technical Training at HMS Sultan, Gosport, Hampshire, UK)