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Pabón-Charneco, Arleen (Personal Name)
Used for/see from:
- Charneco, Arleen Pabón-
"Charreco" in NUC record's usage per MnU rept.
nuc87-107247: Her The architectural collaborators of Antoni Gaudi, 1983 (hdg. on MnU rept.: Pabon-Charneco, Arleen; usage: Arleen Pabon-Charreco)
Architecture of San Juan de Puerto Rico, 2017: CIP t.p. (Arleen Pabón-Charneco) data view (Dr Pabón-Charneco; PhD from Northwestern University and a Master of Architecture (AIA Henry Adams Medal) and Juris Doctor from the University of Puerto Rico; professor at the School of Architecture + Engineering Technology at Florida A&M University)
LC data base, June 3, 2016 (usage: Arleen Pabón Charneco)