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Hudspeth, A. James (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Hudspeth, A. James
Used for/see from:
  • Hudspeth, Albert J.
  • Hudspeth, James A.

Senses and sensitivity, 1997: label (A. James Hudspeth)

Principles of neural science, 2013: title page (A.J. Hudspeth) page xlvii (A.J. Hudspeth, MD, PhD; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; F.M. Kirby professor and head of laboratory, The Rockefeller University)

OCLC, viewed December 1, 2017 (access points: Hudspeth, A. James; Hudspeth, A. J.; Hudspeth, Albert J.; Hudspeth, Albert James; Hudspeth, James A.; usage: A. James Hudspeth; A.J. Hudspeth; Albert J. Hudspeth; Albert James Hudspeth [on dissertation]; James A. Hudspeth)

The Rockefeller University web site, viewed December 1, 2017 (A. James Hudspeth, M.D., Ph.D.; studies neural mechanisms of hearing and pursues treatments for hearing loss; M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1974; Ph.D. in neurobiology, Harvard University, 1973; M.A. in neurobiology, Harvard University, 1968; B.A. in biochemical sciences, Harvard College, 1967; postdoc: Harvard Medical School, 1975 and Karolinska Institute, 1974; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 1993-present; professor (1995-) and director of F.M. Kirby Center for Sensory Neuroscience (1997-), The Rockefeller University; professor, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 1989-1995; professor, University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, 1983-1989; assistant professor (1975-1978), associate professor (1978-1982), and professor (1982-1983), California Institute of Technology)

Howard Hughes Medical Institute web site, viewed December 1, 2017 (A. James Hudspeth, MD, PhD; Jim Hudspeth; Dr. Hudspeth; studies biophysical and molecular bases of hearling and equilibrium, particularly development, regeneration, and operation of the inner ear's sensory receptors, the hair cells; grew up in rural outskirts of Houston; at age 13 began working part-time in laboratory of Peter Kellaway, neurophysiologist at Baylor College of Medicine; )