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R (Computer program language) (Topical Term)

Preferred form: R (Computer program language)
Used for/see from:
  • GNU-S (Computer program language)
See also:

Work cat.: 2002020947: Introductory statistics with R, c2002: CIP pref. (R is a statistical computer program ... for Microsoft Windows 95 or later, a variety of Unix and Linus platforms, and Apple Macintosh (OS versions newer than 8.6))

R Project for Statistical Computing WWW home page, Mar. 19, 2002 (R is 'GNU-S'- a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics, similar to S system; designed as a true computer language with control-flow instructions for iteration and alternation)

Wikipedia, July 19, 2007 (Category: Domain-specific programming languages ... R (programming language))