Investments, foreign (Topical Term)
- Capital exports
- Capital imports
- FDI (Foreign direct investment)
- Foreign direct investment
- Foreign investment
- Foreign investments
- International investment
- Offshore investments
- Outward investments
- Broader heading: Capital movements
- Broader heading: Investments
LC database, Jan. 23, 1992.
97215409: Competitiveness white paper : study on outward investment, c1996.
Japanese foreign direct investment in real estate 1985-1994: p. 1 (Foreign direct investment (FDI))
The new Palgrave dict. of money & fin., 1992: p. 147 (Foreign direct investment (FDI) occurs when citizens of one nation (the 'home' nation) acquire managerial control of economic activities in some other nation (the 'host' nation))
The Wall Street dict., 1990: p. 154 (Foreign direct investment; a foreign citizen buys most of an American company's stock)
The economist books international dict. of fin., 1995: p. 129 (Foreign direct investment (FDI) investment in the foreign operations of a business)
ABI/INFORM (Foreign direct investment)
Here are entered general works on foreign investments. Works on foreign investments originating in an individual region or country are entered under Investments qualified by region or nationality, with further subdivision by place, if any, in which the investments are made, e.g. Investments, Japanese--United States.