Handbooks and manuals (Genre/Form Term)
- Companions (Handbooks)
- Enchiridia
- Enchiridions
- Manuals
- Pocket companions
- Vade-mecums
- Broader heading: Instructional and educational works
- Broader heading: Reference works
Genre terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging, via WWW, July 30, 2014 (Manuals (Handbooks). UF Handbooks. BT Instructional works (Gathering term; do not assign). NT Drawing books; Emigrant guides; Merchant manuals; Military manuals; Pilot guides; Writing books)
Art & architecture thesaurus online, July 30, 2014 (handbooks. Portable books, treatises, or compendiums, covering one or more subjects, arranged for quick location of information and of a size such as may conveniently be held in the hand. Examples are instructional manuals and guides to museums' collections; manuals (instructional materials). Books or treatises, often compendious, containing rules or instructions needed to perform tasks, operations, processes, occupations, arts, or studies, and intended to be used as reference while the task or study is performed.)
Reitz, J.M. ODLIS : online dictionary for library and information science, July 30, 2014 (handbook: A single-volume reference book of compact size that provides concise factual information on a specific subject, organized systematically for quick and easy access. Synonymous with vade mecum. See also: companion and manual; vade mecum: A Latin phrase meaning "goes with me." A small book such as a guidebook, handbook, or manual meant to be carried about, used during the Middle Ages by physicians, astrologers, and tradesmen for quick reference and computation. In a more general sense, any item regularly carried by a person. Also spelled vade-mecum. Plural: vade mecums; companion: A handbook intended to be used in connection with the study of a particular subject or field (examples: The Cambridge Companion to Ralph Ellison and The Oxford Companion to Philosophy). This type of reference work is often an edited collection of essays; manual: A book of compact size, especially one describing in considerable detail the government of a state or the structure and functions of a government agency (example: The United States Government Manual published annually by the U.S. Government Printing Office). Also refers to a book or pamphlet containing practical instructions, rules, or steps for performing a task or operation, assembling a manufactured object, or using a system or piece of equipment (example: Manual of Archival Description published by Gower). Used synonymously with handbook)
Wikipedia, July 30, 2014 (Enchiridion is a Late Latin term referring to a small manual or handbook; enchiridions)
Merriam-Webster online, July 30, 2014 (enchiridion, plural enchiridia: handbook, manual)
Wiktionary, July 30, 2014 (enchiridion (plural enchiridions or enchiridia): A handbook or manual; handbook (plural handbooks): A topically organized book of reference on a certain field of knowledge, disregarding the size of it; manual (plural manuals) 1. A handbook)